Contact - Stand enquiry
Get in touch with us, the akustika Nuremberg team looks forward to hearing from you!
AFAG Messen und Ausstellungen GmbH is your service partner for the preparation and realisation of your trade fair participation. We advise and support you individually, fairly and personally in order to achieve the optimum success for you and your product. After all, your products need to be presented appropriately.
Project management:
- Project manager: Maik Heisser
- Project consultant: Eva-Maria Klemesch
- Project consultant: Jérôme Lorz
- Project assistant: Hanna Hommel
Telephone: +49 911 98833-520
Fax: +49 911 98833-529
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Project manager:
- Christoph Endres
Head of the Guild of Musical Instrument Makers
Customer care and exhibitor service:
Phone: +49 911 98833-7000
Fax: +49 911 98833-7999
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Event technology & exhibition service:
- Maya Katzsch
- Inga Könicke
Phone: +49 911 98833-520
Fax: +49 911 98833-529
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